Thank you for registering for Queen of the Peak - Women's Surf Championship!
Shelter & Surf Sister founded Queen of the Peak (QOP) in 2009 and have grown the contest into a week of events with over 100 competitors vying for $10,000 in cash & prizes.
QOP is women focused event. The contest offers amenities like babysitting, massages, and chiropractic on the beach for all of the contestants.
Shelter provides a free dinner for all competitors the night before the contest where we celebrate the previous year and the contest ahead.
Competitors make the trip to compete at QOP from all over North America.
QOP is the largest all women’s contest north of Southern California.
QOP is the first amateur contest in Canadian history to use live scoring.
QOP is the first amateur contest in Canada to offer live feed with replays.
QOP is the first contest in Canada to offer equal prizing for longboarding and shortboarding
Any contest proceeds are donated to charity. This year we are fundraising for the CARE Network
** Stay tuned for lead up event information.
Wednesday Oct 2 - Trim Cut Hang - Women in the Water Art Show
Thursday Oct 3 - Queen of the Peak Opening Ceremonies and complimentary dinner at The Shelter. 6:00pm.
Friday Oct 4 - Contest from 10:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday Oct 5 - Contest from 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday Oct 5 - Surf Movie shorts at Shed 6:30pm and 8:30pm showings
Sunday Oct 6 - Contest and awards from 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday Oct 6 – QOP After Party at the Hatch
A BIG shout out to this years Sponsors & Supporters
Shelter, Surf Sister, Billabong, Wickaninnish Inn, Pacific Sands, Ocean Village, Surfside Grill, Epic Pharmacy, Aftanas Surfboards, Tofino Brewing Company, The Whale Center, Long Beach Surf Shop, Clairity Apothecary, Pilot House Media, Rhino Coffee House, Sport Canada TV, Lisa Fletcher Jewelry, Pacific Rim Chiropractic, Merge, Tofino Kombucha, Seawench Natuals, Tofitian Productions and more……
Shortboarding Longboarding Princess of the Peak Masters
1st - $3000 1st – $3000 1st – $500 1st - Shelter dinner for 10
2nd - $1500 2nd – $1500 2nd – $250 2nd - swag
3rd - $750 3rd – $750 3rd – $125 3rd - swag
4th - $375 4th – $375 4th – $75 4th - swag
Heat Times
Check in for your heat 20 minutes prior.
Collect the appropriate jersey, designated by the official heat board
There will be no heat time extension.
Heat schedule will be followed to the minute. If a surfer is not present the heat will start without the absent surfer(s).
Heat Start & Finish
All heats are allotted a 5 minute paddle out. Surfers are to paddle out to the marshalling area, which will be designated by the contest director prior to the start of the event. Surfers are to stay in this area until the heat ahead of them has finished.
Heat start is designated in a single horn blast. Heat finish is designated by two horn blasts
The judges stand will a have visual heat indicator. Green will mean the heat is underway. Yellow means the heat will have 5 or less minutes remaining. No indicator sign will represent the minute between heats.
At the end of the heat surfers must return to the beach in a prone position (on their stomach).
The announcer will count down both the start and end of the heat from five with the horn sounding on zero.
A wave will only be scored if the surfer is to their feet after the sound of the horn to start the heat or before the horn to end the heat.
Wave Tabulation
The surfer’s top two waves will dictate their score.
Each judge will score each surfer’s wave ridden, to a maximum of 10 waves.
With 5 judges the top score and bottom score of every wave ridden will be thrown out with the remaining 3 scores being averaged to give the surfer’s score for the wave ridden.
The judge’s scores will then be passed on to the tabulator at the end of each. The tabulator will input the sum of each surfer’s top 2 waves ridden.
A surfer deemed to have inside position has unconditional right of way for the entire duration of the wave.
Interference will be called if during that ride a majority of judges feel that a competing surfer has hindered the scoring potential of the surfer deemed to have right of way
Anyone who stands in front of another surfer with the right of way has the opportunity to kick out without being penalized if the scoring potential of the right of way surfer has not been hindered.
In a multiple peak situation where two surfers could be surfing towards one another, both waves will be scored if either ride is not hindered. If this situation occurs and it hinders the scoring potential of the first surfer to their feet the offending surfer will not be scored for their wave.
Interference Penalty
If any of the above mentioned scenarios occur the offending surfer will have their second best wave score halved.
Judging Criteria Shortboard
Judges analyze the following major elements when scoring waves.
Commitment and degree of difficulty
Speed, power and flow
Commitment of major maneuvers
Variety of maneuvers
Innovative and progressive maneuvers
Note: The emphasis of certain elements is contingent upon the location and the conditions on the day, as well as changes of conditions during the day.
Note: The following scale may be used to describe a ride that is scores:
0-1.9 = Poor
2.0-3.9 = Fair
4.0-5.9 = Average
6.0-7.9 = Good
8.0-10 = Excellent
Judging Criteria Longboard
Judges analyze the following major elements when scoring waves.
Commitment and degree of difficulty
Variety of Traditional & Modern Maneuvers
Use of foot work on the board
Speed, Power, Style & Flow
Combination of major maneuvers
Note: The emphasis of certain elements is contingent upon the location and the conditions on the day, as well as changes of conditions during the day.
Note: The following scale may be used to describe a ride that is scores:
0-1.9 = Poor
2.0-3.9 = Fair
4.0-5.9 = Average
6.0-7.9 = Good
8.0-10 = Excellent
We recommend riding your bike, carpooling or taking the FREE Beach Shuttle!
Cox Bay
Please park in the gravel lot on Maltby Rd. or the public lot at Cox Bay Beach Resort. If these lots are full the overflow lot at the Tourism Tofino info center will be open as well.
DO NOT park on the highway! DO NOT park at Pacific Sands, Long Beach Lodge or Cox Bay Beach Resort.
North Chestermans
You can park on the BEACH side of the road and the designated lots at North, Middle & South Chestermans. If these are full please use Howard Dr.
We have a complimentary babysitting service available during your heat.
Check with Beach Marshalls to find who and where.
We have a complimentary massage service for competitors during the event. Sign up at the massage tent.
Pacific Rim Chiropractic will be providing complimentary chiropractic services for competitors beachside on Sunday September 30th.
There are two public washrooms available. One outside the office and the other in the Surf Shack. The surf shack also has outdoor showers to warm up in as well as wax and extra leashes if needed. Please respect their guests.
Wildside will be serving up some delicious items from their menu. These items will be available by donation. All money will be donated to the Tofino Hospital Foundation. Also, the Surfside grill is open to the public and located at Pacific Sands resort if you need any delicious food!
Let everyone know that if they cannot make it to the beach, that the contest will be streamed live.
Telus will also be offering a free open wifi at the beach so competitors and spectators can upload stories, scores and pictures for FREE!!!
OFFICIAL HASHTAGS: #QOP2019 #queenofthepeak #yourtofino
Please contact us with any questions or concerns!